Change Your Perspective

"I see perspective as the grammar, spelling and punctuation of art. It is essential to understand perspective, to truely observe it in action and to utilize it for realism. However, you also need to understand these rules of perspective to know how and when to break them when creating abstract, surreal, naïve and other such styles of art."

This course takes place during an inspiring walk across a beautiful beach (or landscape) observing perspective in action.  

I point out and explain theories of eye level,  vanishing points, focal points, atmosphere, reflection, distance, shadows, ratios and much more in a fun and engaging way, so you see and experience perspective first hand.  

Among numerous very satisfied students, I have worked with a great variety of people, including architects,  all have commented on my unique approach and how easy I made it to understand the concepts. 

in the last part of the lesson, i draw up the required information to remind you of all the concepts covered.

Perspective - Change your Perspective

Knowledge not copying

My methods work with all ages and abilities! A walk on a beautiful beach seeing and understanding perspective right in front of your eyes.

Even architects have enjoyed this class!

Learnt over a lifetime

Skills I have developed throughout my career passed on in an easy clear way to understand and help your artwork in many ways and forms.

review from tripadvisor

Course subjects

    1. 1. Intro

    1. 2. Eye Level

    1. 3. Ellipse rule

    1. 4. 100 rule

    1. 5. horizons & Contours

    1. 6. Vanishing Point

Change your perspective

  • 18 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content
  • £200 ( Normally £240)

Change your Perspective, starting today

Start today and unlock the skills for all your future art